Human reading comprehension often requires reasoning of event semantic relations in narratives, represented by Event-centric Question-Answering (QA). To address event-centric QA, we propose a novel QA model with contrastive learning and invertible event transformation, call TranCLR. Our proposed model utilizes an invertible transformation matrix to project semantic vectors of events into a common event embedding space, trained with contrastive learning, and thus naturally inject event semantic knowledge into mainstream QA pipelines. The transformation matrix is fine-tuned with the annotated event relation types between events that occurred in questions and those in answers, using event-aware question vectors. Experimental results on the Event Semantic Relation Reasoning (ESTER) dataset show significant improvements in both generative and extractive settings compared to the existing strong baselines, achieving over 8.4% gain in the token-level F1 score and 3.0% gain in Exact Match (EM) score under the multi-answer setting. Qualitative analysis reveals the high quality of the generated answers by TranCLR, demonstrating the feasibility of injecting event knowledge into QA model learning. Our code and models can be found at
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神经结构搜索(NAS)经常列车并评估大量架构。最近的基于预测的NAS方法尝试通过两个关键步骤来缓解这些重的计算成本:采样一些架构性能对并拟合代理精度预测器。然而,由于难以拟合庞大的搜索空间,所以这些预测变量远非准确地定位顶级架构。本文反映了一个简单而重要的问题:如果我们的最终目标是找到最好的建筑,我们真的需要融洽整个空间吗?我们提出了一种使用一个强预测器来拟合整个建筑空间的范式转变,以通过一组较弱的预测器逐渐地拟合朝向高性能子空间的搜索路径。作为弱预测因子的关键属性,它们的采样更好的架构的概率不断增加。因此,我们只示出了一些由以前学识到的预测器引导的少数好的架构,并估计一个新的更好的弱预测因素。这种令人尴尬的骨骼框架被称为缺点,产生粗略迭代,逐渐改进采样空间的排名。广泛的实验表明,在NAS-Bench-101和NAS-Bench-201上找到顶部性能架构的样本较少的缺点。与最先进的(SOTA)基于预测的NAS方法相比,缺点始终具有显着的边距,例如,需要至少7.5倍的样品来查找在NAS-Bench-101上的全局最优。缺点也可以吸收他们的想法,以提高性能。此外,缺点袭击了Imagenet MobileNet搜索空间中的81.3%的新SOTA结果。代码可在获得。
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Purpose: The aim of this study was to demonstrate the utility of unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) in automated knee osteoarthritis (OA) phenotype classification using a small dataset (n=50). Materials and Methods: For this retrospective study, we collected 3,166 three-dimensional (3D) double-echo steady-state magnetic resonance (MR) images from the Osteoarthritis Initiative dataset and 50 3D turbo/fast spin-echo MR images from our institute (in 2020 and 2021) as the source and target datasets, respectively. For each patient, the degree of knee OA was initially graded according to the MRI Osteoarthritis Knee Score (MOAKS) before being converted to binary OA phenotype labels. The proposed UDA pipeline included (a) pre-processing, which involved automatic segmentation and region-of-interest cropping; (b) source classifier training, which involved pre-training phenotype classifiers on the source dataset; (c) target encoder adaptation, which involved unsupervised adaption of the source encoder to the target encoder and (d) target classifier validation, which involved statistical analysis of the target classification performance evaluated by the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC), sensitivity, specificity and accuracy. Additionally, a classifier was trained without UDA for comparison. Results: The target classifier trained with UDA achieved improved AUROC, sensitivity, specificity and accuracy for both knee OA phenotypes compared with the classifier trained without UDA. Conclusion: The proposed UDA approach improves the performance of automated knee OA phenotype classification for small target datasets by utilising a large, high-quality source dataset for training. The results successfully demonstrated the advantages of the UDA approach in classification on small datasets.
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Self-supervised pre-training recently demonstrates success on large-scale multimodal data, and state-of-the-art contrastive learning methods often enforce the feature consistency from cross-modality inputs, such as video/audio or video/text pairs. Despite its convenience to formulate and leverage in practice, such cross-modality alignment (CMA) is only a weak and noisy supervision, since two modalities can be semantically misaligned even they are temporally aligned. For example, even in the commonly adopted instructional videos, a speaker can sometimes refer to something that is not visually present in the current frame; and the semantic misalignment would only be more unpredictable for the raw videos from the internet. We conjecture that might cause conflicts and biases among modalities, and may hence prohibit CMA from scaling up to training with larger and more heterogeneous data. This paper first verifies our conjecture by observing that, even in the latest VATT pre-training using only instructional videos, there exist strong gradient conflicts between different CMA losses within the same video, audio, text triplet, indicating them as the noisy source of supervision. We then propose to harmonize such gradients, via two techniques: (i) cross-modality gradient realignment: modifying different CMA loss gradients for each sample triplet, so that their gradient directions are more aligned; and (ii) gradient-based curriculum learning: leveraging the gradient conflict information on an indicator of sample noisiness, to develop a curriculum learning strategy to prioritize training on less noisy sample triplets. Applying those techniques to pre-training VATT on the HowTo100M dataset, we consistently improve its performance on different downstream tasks. Moreover, we are able to scale VATT pre-training to more complicated non-narrative Youtube8M dataset to further improve the state-of-the-arts.
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最近,由于受监督人员重新识别(REID)的表现不佳,域名概括(DG)人REID引起了很多关注,旨在学习一个不敏感的模型,并可以抵抗域的影响偏见。在本文中,我们首先通过实验验证样式因素是域偏差的重要组成部分。基于这个结论,我们提出了一种样式变量且无关紧要的学习方法(SVIL)方法,以消除样式因素对模型的影响。具体来说,我们在SVIL中设计了样式的抖动模块(SJM)。 SJM模块可以丰富特定源域的样式多样性,并减少各种源域的样式差异。这导致该模型重点关注与身份相关的信息,并对样式变化不敏感。此外,我们将SJM模块与元学习算法有机结合,从而最大程度地提高了好处并进一步提高模型的概括能力。请注意,我们的SJM模块是插件和推理,无需成本。广泛的实验证实了我们的SVIL的有效性,而我们的方法的表现优于DG-REID基准测试的最先进方法。
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预测道路代理的未来行为是自动驾驶的关键任务。尽管现有模型在预测边际代理的未来行为方面取得了巨大的成功,但有效预测多种代理的一致的关节行为仍然是一个挑战。最近,提出了占用场的占用场表示,以通过占用网格和流量的结合来代表公路代理的联合未来状态,从而支持有效且一致的关节预测。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个新颖的占用流场预测因子,以产生准确的占用和流动预测,通过结合图像编码器的功能,该图像编码器从栅格化的流量图像中学习特征和矢量编码器,以捕获连续代理轨迹和地图状态的信息。在生成最终预测之前,这两个编码的功能由多个注意模块融合。我们的简单但有效的模型排在Waymo Open数据集占用和流预测挑战中,并在封闭的占用和流动预测任务中取得了最佳性能。
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稀疏的张量正在迅速成为现代深度学习工作负载的关键组成部分。但是,开发高性能的稀疏运营商可能很困难和乏味,现有的供应商库无法满足新运营商的不断升级要求。稀疏张量编译器简化了操作员的开发,但是对深度学习的有效稀疏编译仍然具有挑战性,因为单个稀疏格式无法最大程度地提高硬件效率,并且单次弹出编译器无法跟上最新的硬件和系统进步。我们表明,解决这两个挑战的关键是两种合成性。在本文中,我们提出了SparSetir,这是一种稀疏的张张汇编抽象,可为深度学习工作负载提供可合理的格式和可组合的转换。 Sparsetir在这些可组合组件上构建一个搜索空间,以进行性能调整。通过这些改进,SparSetir获得了单个操作员的GPU上的一致性能加速与供应商库:GNN操作员的1.1-3.3倍,稀疏变压器操作员的1.1-4.4x。 Sparsetir还以1.1-2.2倍的速度加速了端到端GNN,用于图形训练,而RGCN推断为0.9-26x。
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